Thursday, May 24, 2012

Piper Reed Party Planner by Kimberly Willis Holt

Discussion Questions
1.        When Tori tries to convince her parents that Piper can take over her babysitting duties, she says that Piper is the most responsible person she knows. Was Piper responsible? Tell how Piper was responsible AND not responsible. Were there other characters that showed responsibility?
2.       Piper says, “When I let myself pretend, everything became possible.” What does she mean by that? How did she clear her head?
3.       What does this statement mean in the book, “It’s always the little details that do you in.”? Try to remember 3 instances when this expression was used and in what context. Do you agree with the statement?
4.       Do you think Piper spread herself thin? What could Piper have done differently? Do you think Tori could have done things differently too?
5.       Hailey yelled at Piper saying, “We did all the work while you got to be in charge.” Do you agree with Hailey? How do you think everyone felt when the birthday party got ruined? What would you have done differently?